Cardiology medical examination
The cardiological medical examination allows to know the state of the heart in particular and the circulatory system in general, in addition to evaluating the probabilities that a person suffers some type of cardiovascular disease based on the presence of the different risk factors already established: arterial hypertension , diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking and obesity.
It is advisable for healthy people to undergo a
cardiological medical examination on a regular basis from the age of 50,
especially some of the risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases are
However, the cardiological medical examination is also
carried out in people who already have heart disease or cardiovascular disease
in order to assess their general condition and the degree of control of their
disease acquired with the treatment
General tests of the cardiology medical examination
The cardiology medical examination includes, first of all,
the performance of a series of tests aimed at obtaining an evaluation of the
general state of health:
•Blood analysis: allows obtaining data on the different
parameters whose alterations may indicate a risk of suffering from
cardiovascular diseases or the existence of heart disease.
•Blood pressure measurement and pulse measurement:
uncontrolled high blood pressure is a cardiovascular risk factor.
•Sizing: determination of weight and height and calculation
of the body mass index (BMI).
•Evaluation of cardiovascular risk: the so-called Framingham
test is carried out, with which cardiovascular risk is calculated taking into
account age, sex, lifestyle and the presence or absence of cardiovascular risk
Other tests are also done near assess the state of the
heart and cardiovascular system:
•Spirometry: lung function is studied.
•Stress test : allows to measure the response of the heart
and lungs to physical efforts of different intensity.
Patients with heart disease
When the cardiology medical examination is performed in
patients suffering from some type of heart disease or cardiovascular disease,
fundamental information is obtained to assess the response to treatment,
whether the disease progresses or not, and the degree of control that one has
over the different risk factors. cardiovascular.
Among the more specific tests that can be performed
depending on the patient's condition are the following:
•12-lead resting ECG.
•Stress test.
•Doppler echocardiography, especially in a patient with
congenital heart disease.
•Coronary angiography
•Electrophysiological study.
•Calcium Score, to detect calcium deposits in the coronary
arteries in order to determine a possible risk of heart attack.
In any case, the cardiological medical examination must be
considered individually, taking into account the medical history, the symptoms
presented, the degree of physical activity carried out, etc. Having health
insurance to carry out all the necessary medical examinations is important for
all the advantages that it adds.